Monday, December 9, 2013

Suberbia Creates It's Own Thorny Problem

  Are you wondering what those tall prickly weeds with the purple flowers are? They are thistle and it's a good chance that one of your neighbors is responsible for it growing in your flower beds without even knowing it.

  As suburbia becomes more "nature friendly" it has not only reduced trans fat intake and/or its carbon footprint, suburbia has also taken to bird watching and species conservation. This latter change comes at a heavy price for gardeners.

  When many new age conservationists fill their bird feeders with thistle seed in hopes of catching a glimpse of a Fitch or Humming bird, they do so unaware that they're broadcasting weed seeds over many miles.

  Broadcasting is the process where an animal consumes a raw nut/seed then deposits it into a new location through its feces. The Nitrogen rich feces then forms the perfect growth medium for seed germination. In this particular case the destination for the "broadcast" is your flower/vegetable garden.

  This problem is future exaggerated as "Round-up resistant" strains of this interbred with their pure feed cousins, thus creating an ever evolving nuisance that will not die when treated.

  So, the next time you spend hours gingerly digging these deep root invaders out of your lawn, thank your nature loving neighbor and their many feather friends.

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