Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Human Network

In my last post I shared some of my trials and frustrations in dealing with the internet as a small business owner. Despite all of the complications that the internet has brought along with it, it has also brought the ‘wide world’ a lot closer together. One of the benefits to establishing a presence on the World Wide Web is having the ability to network with individuals outside of our local area. Individuals that we would not have even dreamed of communicating with just a generation ago. 

It has created a human network that allows for the transference of information and emotion. It is a vibrant visual display that impacts the decisions of consumers and allows for consumers to express their views about marketers. Behind the billions of lines of code and the binary characters that they represent are 7 billion humans all connected in real time, the human network. 

With every keystroke we all draw others closer to ourselves, making the ‘wide world’ that much smaller. For a small business owner the world becomes larger. The local vendor now competes with virtual store fronts. The consumer can view your product and presentation in the comfort of their living room before ever meeting with your company representative, and information that we had to wait days for is at the edge of our fingertips. These are just some of the benefits of the new human network.

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